Monday, April 16, 2012

Improving performance of Racket Code and error when trying to byte compile

I hacked together several code snippets from various sources and created a crude implementation of a Wolfram Blog article at - for those that are mathematically inclined, it is very interesting!

Not surprisingly, given that I'm still a novice at Racket, the code takes too much time to calculate the results (>90 min versus 49 seconds for the author) and eats up a lot of memory. I suspect it is all about the definition (expListY) which needs to be reworked.

Although I have it working in DrRacket, I am also having problems byte-compiling the source, and still working on it
(Error message: +: expects type <number> as 1st argument, given: #f; other arguments were: 1 -1)

Anybody want to take a stab at improving the performance and efficiency? I apologize for the unintelligible code and lack of better code comments.

PS: Should I be cutting and pasting the code directly here?

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