Wednesday, April 11, 2012

plot extending several years

In the following example I have two years worth of data denoted by data_2007 and data_2008 which have a corresponding array of dates:

clear all
 DateTime_2007 = datestr(datenum('2007-01-01 00:00','yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM'):1/24:...
     datenum('2007-12-31 23:57','yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM'),...
     'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM');
 DateTime_2007 = cellstr(DateTime_2007);
 DateTime_2008 = datestr(datenum('2008-01-01 00:00','yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM'):1/24:...
     datenum('2008-12-31 23:57','yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM'),...
     'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM');
 DateTime_2008 = cellstr(DateTime_2008);
 data_2007 =  1 + (20-1).*rand(8760,1);
 data_2008 = 1 + (20-1).*rand(8784,1);

I would like to plot the data on one graph, showing how the data has varied over the 2 years, so basically a plot extending over 2 years. How can this be achieved, considering that I need the dates to be shown along the xaxis, and possible only the month name (mmm) to be given (not yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM).


Have you tried the datetick command to label the axes?
hold on
It might be easier if you didn't convert your dates to date strings, and then have to convert them back for plotting.

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