I have a C2DM receiver class that initialises the C2DM sender email in the constructor.
The thing is, I need to get the senders email from a resource string and therefore I need to get the context in the constructor for the receiver
The receiver looks like this
public class C2DMReceiver extends C2DMBaseReceiver {
public C2DMReceiver() {
super(AppConstants.getC2DMSender(this)); // How do I get the context here?
public void onRegistered(Context context, String registrationId)
throws java.io.IOException { ...
The relevant code on the C2DMBaseReceiver
public abstract class C2DMBaseReceiver extends IntentService {
private final String senderId;
* The C2DMReceiver class must create a no-arg constructor and pass the
* sender id to be used for registration.
public C2DMBaseReceiver(String senderId) {
// senderId is used as base name for threads, etc.
this.senderId = senderId;
It's not really relevant to the question but for background purposes the reason for needing this is that the code is in a library project that is used in many android projects each of which has it's own sender's email address defined in a resource file. The AppConstants class has the job of reading the various resource strings and follows on from my accepted answer for a previous question here Android, Best way to provide app sepcific constants in a library project?
Finally for completeness the AppConstants.getC2DMSender method looks like this
public static String getC2DMSender(Context c){
return c.getResources().getString(uk.co.the_prize_quiz.quiz_template.R.string.c2dm_sender);
The specific app that users this library has the responsibility of setting the c2dm_sender variable in an xml resource. So in order to get this variable I need the context
<item type="string" name="c2dm_sender" format="string">app_specific_registered_c2dm@email_address</item>
Because this is set in a resource string the specific app can set this value and the template will use it automatically.
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