Tuesday, April 24, 2012

BackboneJS root level views

If you have some root level HTML that is present on "almost" every screen, where/how would you organize this?

I'm using backbone-boilerplate and requirejs. One of the root level views is a global navigation element that can be invoked from the bottom of the screen at any time.

This is organized in a module that has a model (for visibility, the selected state, the log of clicks, etc). The app is stored in:

ClientName.app = _.extend( { rootViews: {} }, Backbone.Views);

Then in my routers initialize method, i have:

ClientName.app.rootViews.globalNav = new GlobalNav.Views.BottomView({ model: new GlobalNav.Models.Bottom()});

It works fine, but as the functionality is growing, the routers initialize method is getting out of hand with similar root views, sub routers, etc. Am I totally missing something?

What would you recommend?

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