Thursday, April 12, 2012

Jquery take a price from a span and i want to make it static

i make this function :

function price(val){
 var test = $('span.hikashop_product_price_full:visible').text();
 var test2 = test.split('%');
 var test3 = test2[1].split(' ');
 var test4 = test3[0].replace(',','.');
 var eyy = parseFloat(test4) *val/100 + parseFloat(test4);
 eyy = eyy.toFixed(2)
 var ett = test.replace(test3[0]+' '+test3[1],'<span class=\"hikashop_product_price hikashop_product_price_0 hikashop_product_price_with_discount\">'+eyy+' '+test3[1]+'</span>');

i take a value from a dynamic <span> tag (say it is dynamic because it changes depending on other field).
i have a field

<select id="custome_vara" name="data[item][custome_vara]" size="1" onchange="price(this.value);">
 <option value="" id="custome_vara_" selected="selected">alb</option>
 <option value="20" id="custome_vara_20">stejar auriu</option>
 <option value="30" id="custome_vara_30">moreiche</option>

and it trigger every time i call it. I need to run just once to add % to the initial price.

the span looks like this

<span class="hikashop_product_discount">-10%</span><span class="hikashop_product_price hikashop_product_price_0 hikashop_product_price_with_discount">51,34 €</span> </span> 


When I call the function price() it run the selection on this function and make the selection a int.
How to make the selection static and the field select/option add to this static selection a percent just once per option.

I hope u understood.

Sorry for my english.



<select id="custome_vara" name="data[item][custome_vara]" size="1" onchange="price(this.value);">
<select id="custome_vara" name="data[item][custome_vara]" size="1">
then add this:
EDIT: In hopes of making your intent clear I will post some "errors" here:
First, you are missing markup example of:
eyy = eyy.toFixed(2)
should be:
eyy = eyy.toFixed(2);
'<span class=\"hikashop_product_price hikashop_product_price_0 hikashop_product_price_with_discount\">'
can be written as:
'<span class="hikashop_product_price hikashop_product_price_0 hikashop_product_price_with_discount">'
I created this fiddle page to help us understand each other:
EDIT2: I think I see what you want. See the following in action here:
function priceNew(val) {
    var discountedPrice = $('.hikashop_product_price_with_discount');
    var percentOff = $('.hikashop_product_discount');
    var price = discountedPrice.text().split(' ');
    var decimalPrice = price[0].replace(',', '.');
    var eyy = parseFloat(decimalPrice) * val / 100 + parseFloat(decimalPrice);
    eyy = eyy.toFixed(2);
    var newPrice = eyy + ' ' + price[1];
    percentOff.text('-' + val + '%');

$('#custome_vara').one('change', function() {
    priceNew($(this + 'option:selected').val());
<select id="custome_vara" name="data[item][custome_vara]" size="1">
    <option value="" id="custome_vara_" selected="selected">alb</option> 
    <option value="20" id="custome_vara_20">stejar auriu</option>
    <option value="30" id="custome_vara_30">moreiche</option>
<span class="hikashop_product_price_full" id="hikashop_product_price_full"> 
    <span class="hikashop_product_discount">-10%</span>
    <span class="hikashop_product_price hikashop_product_price_0 hikashop_product_price_with_discount">51,34 €</span> 

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