Tuesday, April 10, 2012

.NET UdpClient and Winsock Interoperability Issue

I have an application written in C++ that uses Winsock for a UDP client. I am trying to send data to another UDP client that is written in C++/CLI, that uses the .Net UdpClient class. The messages are successfully sent, but never received. That is, never come out of the listener->Receive(endPoint); call on the .NET side.

I replaced the .Net UDPClient code with Winsock in the C++/CLI code, and there is no problem.

Both machines are running Windows 7 (so, .NET 4, and whatever version of WSA under Windows 7)

Here is the C++ Winsock code:

    SOCKET jsDataSocket;
string dottedInetAddress = ""
int port = 5601;

bool JoystickDataPublisher::socketSetup()
int iError;

// Call "WSAStartup" and display description text
if (iError = WSAStartup (MAKEWORD(2,2), &WSAData))
OutputDebugString(L"JoystickDataPublisher - Unable to start WinSock");
return false;
return socketSetup();

int status;

// create UDP socket for receiving
jsDataSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
if (jsDataSocket == SOCKET_ERROR)
OutputDebugString(L"JoystickDataPublisher - Server socket creation error\n");
return false;

bool JoystickDataPublisher::sendData(const char * buf, int size)

struct sockaddr_in srv_addr;
int status;

if (jsDataSocket == 0)
OutputDebugString(L"No socket exists yet!");
return false;

// this is where we fill in the specific server address
// and port, and use our generic client socket to send
// a message
srv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
srv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (dottedInetAddress.c_str()) ;
srv_addr.sin_port = port;

status = sendto(jsDataSocket, (const char *)buf, size, 0,
(struct sockaddr*)&srv_addr, sizeof(srv_addr));

if (status != size)
OutputDebugString(L"Message not sent Perhaps your friend is not listening");
return false;

return true;

Here is the .NET Side:

    // this code exists in a System::Threading::Thread

private: UdpClient ^ listener;

private: void UpdateFunction()

listener = gcnew UdpClient(5601);
IPEndPoint ^ endPoint = gcnew IPEndPoint(IPAddress::Any,5601);
array<byte> ^ receiveData = gcnew array<byte>(1024);
JoystickData jsData;

endPoint->Address = IPAddress::Any;
endPoint->Port = 5601;
**// never unblock from following call**
receiveData = listener->Receive(endPoint);
catch (SocketException ^ e)
// got here because either the Receive failed, or more
// or more likely the socket was destroyed by
// exiting from the JoystickPositionWindow form

currentXRelPosition = jsData.xRelPosition;
currentYRelPosition = jsData.yRelPosition;


1 comment:

  1. The issue came down to the byte order of the port. On the Winsock side, when setting up the port, I needed to use htons(port), as follows:

    srv_addr.sin_port = htons(port);
