Tuesday, April 10, 2012

read.csv appends/modifies column headdings with date values

Im trying to read a csv file into R that has date values in some of the colum headdings.

As an example, the data file looks something like this:

ID  Type   1/1/2001  2/1/2001  3/1/2001  4/1/2011
 A   Supply       25        35        45        55  
 B   Demand       26        35        41        22
 C   Supply       25        35        44        85  
 D   Supply       24        39        45        75  
 D   Demand       26        35        41        22

...and my read.csv logic looks like this

dat10<-read.csv("c:\data.csv",header=TRUE, sep=",",as.is=TRUE)

The read.csv works fine except it modifies the name of the colums with dates as follows:

x1.1.2001  x2.1.2001  x3.1.2001  x4.1.2001

Is there a way to prevent this, or a easy way to correct afterwards?


Set check.names=FALSE. But be aware that 1/1/2001 et al are syntactically invalid names, therefore they may cause you some headaches.

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