Wednesday, April 18, 2012

WCF Client Proxies, Client/Channel Caching in ASP.Net - Code Review

long time ASP.Net interface developer being asked to learn WCF, looking for some education on more architecture related fronts - as its not my strong suit but I'm having to deal.

In our current ASMX world we adopted a model of creating ServiceManager static classes for our interaction with web services. We're starting to migrate to WCF, attempting to follow the same model. At first I was dealing with performance problems, but I've tweaked a bit and we're running smoothly now, but I'm questioning my tactics. Here's a simplified version (removed error handling, caching, object manipulation, etc.) of what we're doing:

public static class ContentManager
private static StoryManagerClient _clientProxy = null;
const string _contentServiceResourceCode = "StorySvc";

const int _getStoriesTTL = 300;
private static Dictionary<string, GetStoriesCacheItem> _getStoriesCache = new Dictionary<string, GetStoriesCacheItem>();
private static ReaderWriterLockSlim _cacheLockStories = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();

public static Story[] GetStories(string categoryGuid)
// OMITTED - if category is cached and not expired, return from cache

// get endpoint address from FinderClient (ResourceManagement SVC)
UrlResource ur = FinderClient.GetUrlResource(_contentServiceResourceCode);

// Get proxy
StoryManagerClient svc = GetStoryServiceClient(ur.Url);

// create request params
GetStoriesRequest request = new GetStoriesRequest{}; // SIMPLIFIED
Manifest manifest = new Manifest{}; // SIMPLIFIED

// execute GetStories at WCF service
GetStoriesResponse response = svc.GetStories(manifest, request);

// OMITTED - do stuff with response, cache if needed
// return....

internal static StoryManagerClient GetStoryServiceClient(string endpointAddress)
if (_clientProxy == null)
_clientProxy = new StoryManagerClient(GetServiceBinding(_contentServiceResourceCode), new EndpointAddress(endpointAddress));

return _clientProxy;

public static Binding GetServiceBinding(string bindingSettingName)
// uses Finder service to load a binding object - our alternative to definition in web.config

public static void PreloadContentServiceClient()
// get finder location
UrlResource ur = FinderClient.GetUrlResource(_contentServiceResourceCode);

// preload proxy

We're running smoothly now with round-trip calls completing in the 100ms range. Creating the PreloadContentServiceClient() method and adding to our global.asax got that "first call" performance down to that same level. And you might want to know we're using the DataContractSerializer, and the "Add Service Reference" method.

I've done a lot of reading on static classes, singletons, shared data contract assemblies, how to use the ChannelFactory pattern and a whole bunch of other things that I could do to our usage model...admittedly, some of its gone over my head. And, like I said, we seem to be running smoothly. I know I'm not seeing the big picture, though. Can someone tell me what I've ended up here with regards to channel pooling, proxy failures, etc. and why I should head down the ChannelFactory path? My gut says to just do it, but my head can't comprehend why...


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