Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Setting PDO/MySQL LIMIT with Named Placeholders

I'm having an issue binding the LIMIT part of an SQL query. This is because the query is being passed as a string. I've seen another Q here that deals with binding parameters, nothing that deals with Named Placeholders in an array.

Here's my code:

public function getLatestWork($numberOfSlides, $type = 0) {

$params = array();
$params["numberOfSlides"] = (int) trim($numberOfSlides);
$params["type"] = $type;

$STH = $this->_db->prepare("SELECT slideID
FROM slides
WHERE visible = 'true'
AND type = :type
ORDER BY order
LIMIT :numberOfSlides;");


$result = $STH->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);

return $result;

The error I'm getting is: Syntax error or access violation near ''20'' (20 is the value of $numberOfSlides).

How can I fix this?

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