Friday, April 20, 2012

Type-checking collections with elements with different traits

Is there any way I can enforce a method returning something along the lines of (in regex notation):

(T with A) (T with A with B)+ (T with B)

If I return Traversable[T], it drops the bound traits. Likewise, I can't return Traversable[T with A with B], because this would be inaccurate for the first and last elements.

I'm not sure how to get around this. It introduces some implicit conditions into my program, and I feel like I'm abusing the type system by using .asInstanceOf[] casts. Maybe I'm using the wrong kind of data structure?

Here's a sample of the code I'm writing, for an example of what I mean. I'm looking to enforce the route method. The User class extends type T, I've left out the code because there's a lot.

trait Producer extends User {
def send(file: Data)

trait Consumer extends User {
def receive(file: Data)


def route(sender: T with Producer, receiver: T with Consumer): Traversable[T]

def transfer(sender: T with Producer, receiver: T with Consumer, file: Data) {
val path = route(sender, receiver)
if (!path.isEmpty) {
sender send file

val nextHop = route(sender, receiver).tail.head

nextHop.asInstanceOf[T with Consumer] receive file

if (nextHop != receiver) {
transfer(nextHop.asInstanceOf[T with Producer], receiver, file)

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